Monday, July 26, 2010

seth and mary embroidery portrait, framed.

This is the final gift I made to fulfill my obligations to a facebook exchange thingy. I made this for Mary, with whom I attended high school, and her husband. I used a photograph to sketch out this image of them with their puppy. You can click through to my photostream to see the original photo. I am pretty thrilled with how this turned out. It doesn't look exactly like the photo, but I think there is a striking resemblance, and I am happy with that. After so much success with this piece, I wanted to do embroidered portraits for all the wedding gifts I am planning. Unfortunately, I soon found out that not every photograph translates to an embroidery as well as this one did. I have tried to sketch out some others and they are laughable, in a bad way, as in who the hell is this supposed to be because it doesn't look like the people in the photograph at all. Very frustrating. But I am going to keep working at it. One design I am trying is to use photographs to sketch outlines of bodies, or silhouettes, but leave the faces blank. It's a different look, but I like it in some instances. I'll have one of those to show you soon, after we attend a wedding this weekend.
That's it for now.

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